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We offer accommodation for pilgrims and other travelers on their way through the Gudbrandsdalen valley:

We are open daily 21 June - 15 August. Other periods by appointment only. We can customize for anyone who want to rent Budsjord for seminars and events including food, hiking, activities, concerts etc. We have 10 rooms with up to 25 beds. Contact us if you want a special offer.
Dinner is served at 18.00 (Pilgrim dinner) and at 19.00 (three course dinner)

Prices 2024

  • Category 1: Pilegrim accommodation with own sleeping bag, incl. basic dinner, breakfast and lunch pack: NOK 805,- per pers. (1.375,- w/three course dinner)
  • Category 2: Accomodation with bed linens incl. basic dinner, breakfast and lunch pack: NOK 1.205,- per pers. (1.775,- w/three course dinner)
  • Category 3: Accomodation in the main house with bed linens incl. Basic dinner, breakfast and lunch pack: NOK 1.605,- per pers. (2.175,- w/three course dinner)

Since Budsjord is a heritage site we cannot offer bathrooms in the rooms, but we have a common bathhouse. The main house has it's own bathroom and sinks in the rooms.
